By | October 16, 2019

Traditional Chinese medicine has a high understanding of the medicinal use of sesame. It is called a strong agent. It has the functions of tonifying blood, moistening intestines, nourishing body fluid, promoting breast milk and nourishing hair. It is suitable for the symptoms of weakness, prematurely white hair, anemia, atrophy, insufficient body fluid, dry stool, dizziness, and tinnitus.

It is reported that black sesame has a curative effect on chronic neuritis and peripheral nerve paralysis. Because sesame oil has the effect of lowering cholesterol, blood vessel sclerosis is beneficial for patients with hypertension.

Sesame leaf can cure heatstroke and dizziness. When thirsty, can pick a large number of fresh sesame leaves, boiling water brewing, instead of tea drink, has the effect of heat and thirst relief; arthritis pain, can use 100 grams of sesame leaves, wash and chop, decoct.

Sesame root has anti-inflammatory and anti-itching effects. For the treatment of measles and pruritus, several sesame roots can be taken and the affected area can be washed with the decoction. Description: Sesame, known as sesame, oil sesame, Jusheng, fat sesame, black sesame and square stem in ancient times, is divided into black sesame and white sesame. White sesame is the best food, while black sesame is the best medicine. Sesame is a fragrant tonic and a good nourishing and strengthening agent.

Ten functions

Delaying aging: The fragrance of fragrant oil is strong, for the middle-aged and old people whose digestive function has been weakened.

Not only can it increase appetite, but it also is more conducive to the absorption of nutrients. The digestion and absorption rate of fragrant oil itself is also high, up to 98%. At the same time, the fragrant oil is rich in vitamin E, which has the function of promoting cell division and delaying aging. Long-term use of perfume for middle-aged and elderly people can also prevent hair loss and premature white hair.

Protect blood vessel: Essence oil has a good effect on softening blood vessels and maintaining blood vessel elasticity. Its rich vitamin E is conducive to maintaining the integrity and function of the cell membrane, and can also reduce the accumulation of lipid in the body. Essence oil contains about 40% linoleic acid unsaturated fatty acid, which is easy to be absorbed and utilized by the human body to promote cholesterol metabolism and help to eliminate sediments on the arterial wall.

Moistening intestine and relieving constipation: There is a lot of oil in sesame oil and good moistening intestine and relieving constipation. It has a certain preventive effect and a curative effect on constipation. Habitual constipation patients, morning and evening fasting to drink a mouthful of fragrant oil, can moisten the intestine and relieve constipation.

Reduce the toxicity of tobacco and alcohol: people who have the habit of smoking and drinking alcohol often drink some sesame oil, which can reduce the direct stimulation and damage of tobacco to teeth, gums, oral mucosa, as well as the formation of lung smoke spots, and also have a relatively inhibitory effect on the absorption of nicotine.

Reduce the damage of alcohol: Drinking some fragrant oil before drinking can protect the oral cavity, esophagus, gastric cardia, and gastric mucosa.

Protect the voice: Drinking perfume oil often can enhance the elasticity of vocal cords, make the glottis open flexibly and forcefully, and have a good recovery effect on hoarseness and chronic laryngitis.

Treatment of rhinitis: Patients with chronic rhinitis can alleviate symptoms by applying a sterile cotton ball dipped in perfume oil to the nasal cavity.

Freckle removing and moisturizing skin: Lecithin in fragrant oil not only moisturizes the skin but also removes freckles, especially senile spots.

Alleviate the damage to the esophagus such as fish spine: When a fish spine, jujube stone, and a broken bone are swallowed by mistake, drinking gustatory oil can make foreign bodies slide smoothly across the esophagus and reduce the damage.

Auxiliary treatment of tracheitis and so on: People with tracheitis and emphysema can significantly reduce cough by drinking perfume oil before going to bed at night.

Traditional Chinese medicine prescription

Shredded pear mixed with radish

Ingredients: 250 grams of white radish, 100 grams of pear, 3 grams of ginger, 10 grams of essential oil, the proper amount of salt, a little monosodium glutamate.


Practice: peel and core pear, cut into shreds; ginger, cut into fines; radish, cut into shreds, boiling water, draining water to cool; add pear shreds, ginger shreds, essential oil, salt, monosodium glutamate, mix well.

Function: Clearing heat and moistening lung, resolving phlegm and relieving cough. This pear is sweet, slightly acidic and cool in nature. It has the functions of clearing heat and resolving phlegm, generating body fluid and moistening dryness. It can cure bronchitis and lung-heat cough. Ginger can dissolve phlegm and relieve cough. This dish is suitable for children with wind-dry bronchitis cough.

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