By | October 3, 2018

Sandalwood essential oil is suitable for aging, dry and dehydrated skin. It can dilute scars, fine lines, moisturize skin and prevent wrinkles. It has calming qualities, can relieve nervousness and anxiety, and relax people. It has aphrodisiac characteristics, high-efficiency kidney and nerve relaxation.

Skin treatment

It has the function of promoting the growth of skin cells, which can quickly recover from wounds or scars, and thus has elasticity and tightening effect; balance and soften the skin, improve dryness and lighten texture, especially suitable for aging, dry and dehydrated skin and neck maintenance.

For dry skin, hardened skin keratin, dry eczema, wounds, etc. an be used.

Softens the skin and is an excellent neck cream;

Antibacterial effect, improve itchy, inflamed skin, improve acne, spasms and infected wounds. A few drops of sandalwood oil can be added to the hot water of the foot bath to achieve the purpose of activating blood and meridians, and also to remove the foot odor.

Physiological effect

  1. It is very helpful to the genitourinary system, eliminates inflammation of the reproductive system, can improve cystitis, and is used to massage the kidneys. It has the effect of clearing blood and anti-inflammatory.
  2. When the mucous membrane is inflamed, sandalwood can make the patient feel comfortable and help to sleep. It can also stimulate the immune system and prevent bacterial infections. It is also an excellent lung fungicide, especially suitable for persistent and allergic dry cough.
  3. Balance hormone secretion: 5 drops of sandalwood essential oil added to 5ml massage base oil, applied to the reproductive organs, can regulate hormone secretion, its antibacterial effect can also purify and treat inflammation of the reproductive system, sandalwood has aphrodisiac effect on men. And increase the confidence and personal charm of men.

Psychological efficacyessential

It has the effect of relaxation and calming, relieves nervousness, brings a peaceful atmosphere, adds a sense of fullness, relaxes the whole body, etc. It is especially suitable for incense when practicing yoga and meditation, and can quickly enter a state of relaxation.

Other effects

Men can add sandalwood oil to the astringent water after shaving, which can smooth the skin, relieve itching and inhibit bacterial growth.

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